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Taxotere Watery Eyes Lawsuit: Docetaxel Side Effects

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Taxotere Lawsuit for Vision Problems and Docetaxel Side Effects

Question: Are There Any Potential Long-Term Docetaxel Side Effects?

In short, yes.

The long-term side effects of docetaxel may include permanent loss of hair and vision, and in extremely rare cases, leukemia.

On this page, we’ll provide an overview of Docetaxel side effects, problems associated with Taxotere chemotherapy drugs (such as watery eyes and permanent vision loss), the Taxotere watery eyes lawsuit, and much more.

Taxotere Lawsuit Overview

Thousands of people have received Taxotere as part of chemotherapy treatment for everything from gastric cancer to metastatic breast cancer.

Taxotere has been linked to several side effects, some of which have not been placed on the drug’s warning label.

Permanent hair loss was one of these side effects, which women filed lawsuits for and the manufacturer later put as a potential side effect on the warning label.

Besides permanent hair loss, patients receiving docetaxel weekly also experienced eye injuries, such as blurred vision, excessive tearing of the eyes, canalicular stenosis, and more.

Taxotere Watery Eyes Lawsuit Docetaxel Side Effects

If you or a loved one received Taxotere for chemotherapy treatment and subsequently developed excessive tearing, blurred vision, vision loss, or other eye injuries, you may be eligible to file a Taxotere Lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a Taxotere Lawsuit instantly.

Our Taxotere Lawyers are here to guide you through the legal process and help you seek justice.

We have decades of experience fighting for people who’ve been injured at no fault of their own, and we understand the difficulties of what you’re experiencing.

Reach out to us for more information and to find out how we can help you.

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Taxotere Lawsuit: Docetaxel Chemotherapy Drugs Linked to Blurred Vision and Permanent Vision Problems

Taxotere (docetaxel) has been widely used to treat metastatic breast cancer, other forms of breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and cancers of the head and neck.

Patients have reported skin reactions, stomach pain, allergic reactions, chest pain, high blood pressure, joint pain, difficulty breathing, and other side effects, but the eye side effects are of especially great concern.

Taxotere Lawsuit: Docetaxel Chemotherapy Drugs Linked To Blurred Vision And Permanent Vision Problems

In response to the onset of eye problems from the popular chemo drug, Taxotere Vision Damage Lawsuits are being filed against Sanofi Aventis.

Taxotere Lawsuits for eye injuries and vision problems are being consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL) in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

The Taxotere Litigation aims to compensate patients who received Taxotere and develop vision problems due to Sanofi Aventis’ potential failure to adequately warn patients of said side effects.

Taxotere Eye Injuries

Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug that has been used to treat metastatic and early breast cancer for years.

Scientific research and medical reports have found that Taxotere can cause serious side effects related to vision and the tear ducts.

Taxotere Eye Injuries

These eye injuries and medical conditions may include:

  • Canalicular stenosis or punctal stenosis
  • Lacrimal duct obstruction
  • Optic neuropathy
  • Taxotere-Induced Cystoid Macular Edema (CME)
  • Blindness Due to Corneal Damage

Canalicular Stenosis

Canalicular stenosis is a narrowing of the tear ducts that can lead to excessive tearing, vision loss, and even blindness.

Several studies suggest the link between Taxotere and eye problems.

In 2010, a study by Science Direct examined the side effects Taxotere had on breast cancer survivors.

In most cases, patients receiving weekly docetaxel are most susceptible to canalicular stenosis.

Lacrimal Duct Obstruction

The study found that the participants in the study developed a condition called dacryostenosis.

Dacryostenosis is another term for lacrimal duct obstruction, which means that the tear ducts are blocked.

The study explains why patients receiving weekly docetaxel therapy experience epiphora (excessive tearing) caused by blocked tear ducts.

When enough tears accumulate, severe fluid retention happens in the eyes, leading to blurred vision and other vision problems.

Optic and Peripheral Neuropathy

A 2014 study observed that Taxotere toxicity can inhibit optic nerve function.

Any decreases in optic nerve function will affect vision and might even lead to permanent blindness.

Peripheral neuropathy is another potential side effect of Taxotere toxicity.

It affects the nerves in the hands, feet, and arms, leading to numbness, tingling, and pain.

Taxotere-Induced Cystoid Macular Edema (CME)

Cystoid macular edema is a condition that often follows canalicular stenosis.

CME from docetaxel happens when there’s poor tear drainage. The lack of drainage can cause fluid retention in several parts of the eyes, particularly the retina.

When CME occurs, fluid retention affects the sharpness of the retina.

As a result, patients treated with docetaxel experience blurring of vision and sometimes even blindness.

Blindness Due to Corneal Damage

Taxotere’s effects on the lacrimal system can eventually cause damage to the cornea or the part of the eye responsible for letting light enter.

When the cornea sustains damage, patients will experience eye pain, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to light.

Surgical Treatments for Treating Taxotere Side Effects

Besides ceasing Taxotere immediately, physicians address side effects through surgical treatment.

There are several types of surgical interventions for treating the side effects of Taxotere. Here are some of the most common.

Surgical Treatments For Treating Taxotere Side Effects

Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs are tiny silicone devices that are placed into the tear ducts to keep them open, ensuring proper drainage of tears from the eyes.

These plugs serve to maintain tear flow and prevent excessive tearing, promoting better eye health and comfort.


Canaliculoplasty improves tear drainage by carefully opening up the narrow or obstructed canaliculus.

This is the part of the tear duct responsible for transporting tears from the eyes to the nasal cavity.

By widening the canaliculus, the surgeon ensures that tears can flow freely, reducing the risk of excessive tearing and alleviating discomfort caused by blocked tear ducts.

Many patients who undergo this surgical procedure report relief in their eye pain and sore throat with improved tear drainage.

Temporary Tarsorrhaphy

Temporary tarsorrhaphy is a simple surgical technique where the eyelids are partially closed using stitches.

This quick and convenient procedure can be performed right in the doctor’s office.

By suturing the eyelids, the opening between them is narrowed, providing temporary relief and protection to the eyes.

Permanent Tarsorrhaphy

Unlike temporary tarsorrhaphy, this procedure is more invasive but offers a more lasting effect.

By creating a flap of skin to partially close the eyelids, the opening between them is reduced more permanently.

This surgical approach is often considered when long-term or permanent eyelid closure is necessary.

Taxotere Lawsuits for Permanent Hair Loss

This is not the first time Sanofi-Aventis — the makers and distributors of Taxotere — have faced lawsuits for Taxotere (docetaxel) related adverse effects.

From 2019, more than 10,000 breast cancer survivors and patients were filing lawsuits for permanent hair loss and alopecia from Taxotere.

The lawsuits against Sanofi allege that the company failed to warn users and doctors of the risks of permanent hair loss.

While there was a warning on the company’s labels that the drug may cause hair loss, plaintiffs allege that the company didn’t mention the true extent of Taxotere-induced permanent alopecia.

The drug received FDA approval in 2004 but has since been linked to several cases of permanent and extensive hair loss.

In 2006, a study at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers revealed that more than 6% of women receiving Taxotere developed permanent alopecia.

Sanofi was aware of the findings.

Taxotere Lawsuits for Permanent Hair Loss

The 2006 study was just one piece of evidence suggesting Sanofi’s failure to disclose the extent of Taxotere side effects.

According to documents from the 2010 GEICAM 9805 study, 9.2% of patients receiving Taxotere developed permanent hair loss that lasted more than ten years.

The 2010 study was funded in-part by Sanofi-Aventis.

Sanofi is alleged to have known of the risks its drug posed and that it released it to the public despite knowing the risks.

As a result, the first lawsuits were filed in 2016 in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

By 2019, the lawsuits had consolidated into an MDL (2740).

The Taxotere hair loss lawsuits are still ongoing.

Do You Qualify for the Taxotere Watery Eyes Lawsuit?

People who have received Taxotere and developed vision problems and eye injuries are taking legal action against the manufacturer of the chemotherapy drug.

Do You Qualify For The Taxotere Watery Eyes Lawsuit

You may be eligible to file a lawsuit if you used Taxotere and subsequently developed symptoms such as:

  • Excessive tearing
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Blurred vision
  • Vision loss
  • Lacrimal drainage obstruction
  • Other eye injuries

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file a Taxotere Lawsuit instantly.

Our Taxotere Lawyers are here to help you through the legal process, completing the steps necessary to filing Taxotere claims such as gathering evidence and assessing damages.

Gathering Evidence for a Taxotere Lawsuit

Evidence is extremely important in Taxotere Lawsuits.

Your legal team can help you compile evidence and retain it for use in the Taxotere litigation, but this is a step you can begin on your own to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Gathering Evidence For Taxotere Lawsuits

Potential evidence in a Taxotere Lawsuit may include:

  • Medical records for initial cancer treatment and subsequent treatment of vision problems
  • Cancer treatment records
  • Doctor’s notes
  • Photos and videos
  • Personal testimony
  • Witness testimony
  • Any other evidence detailing use of Taxotere and subsequent health problems

Assessing Damages for the Taxotere Lawsuit

Damages refer to the total losses, economic and non-economic, related to the use of Taxotere and subsequent medical conditions.

Your lawyer will help you assess and calculate your total amount of damages.

Assessing Damages In Taxotere Lawsuits

Potential damages in a Taxotere Lawsuit may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost quality of life
  • Permanent damage to the eyes
  • Permanent disability
  • Lost wages and earning ability
  • Other compensatory and punitive damages

TorHoerman Law: Your Taxotere Lawyers

Enduring chemotherapy treatment and surviving cancer is one thing, but to have unintended side effects related to the use of a chemotherapy drug that is supposed to help you can impact a patient’s quality of life greatly.

Patients who have received Taxotere and have subsequently developed vision problems or eye injuries may be eligible to file a Taxotere Lawsuit and pursue financial compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consutlation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the Taxotere Lawsuit instantly.

Taxotere Lawsuits are being filed on behalf of those who have received Taxotere and subsequently developed vision problems and eye injuries.

We’re here to guide you through the legal process and protect your rights and best interests.

Reach out to our law firm and find out how our Taxotere Lawyers can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are There Any Potential Long-Term Docetaxel Side Effects?

    What Is Taxotere?: Overview of Potential Long-Term Docetaxel Side Effects

    Docetaxel has been associated with certain long-term side effects that can have a profound impact on a patient’s quality of life.

    Understanding these side effects, including legal considerations such as lawsuits related to blurred vision and permanent hair loss, is essential for informed decision-making.

    Permanent Side Effects

    The long-term side effects of Docetaxel are a significant concern for patients and healthcare providers alike.

    These effects can linger long after treatment has ended, affecting various aspects of daily life:

    • Hair Loss: Permanent hair loss is not just a cosmetic issue; it can deeply affect a person’s self-esteem and emotional well-being.
    • Vision Problems: Including blurred vision and permanent vision problems, these side effects can severely impact daily functioning.
    • Leukemia: Though rare, leukemia is a serious potential side effect that requires immediate medical intervention.

    These side effects highlight the importance of thorough discussions with healthcare providers about the potential risks and benefits of Docetaxel treatment.

    Legal Considerations

    The legal implications surrounding Docetaxel are complex and multifaceted.

    Several lawsuits have emerged, reflecting the serious nature of some of the drug’s side effects:

    • Taxotere Lawsuit: Docetaxel Chemotherapy Drugs Linked to Blurred Vision and Permanent Vision Problems: This specific lawsuit addresses the vision-related side effects of Docetaxel, seeking compensation for those affected.
    • Taxotere Lawsuits for Permanent Hair Loss: These legal actions focus on the devastating impact of permanent hair loss, providing a legal avenue for those affected to seek redress.
    • Do You Qualify for the Taxotere Watery Eyes Lawsuit?: Some patients may be eligible to join legal actions related to persistent watery eyes caused by Taxotere.

    Understanding and exploring these legal options can be an essential part of the overall response to the challenges posed by Docetaxel’s side effects.

    Overview of Docetaxel Side Effects

    The potential side effects of Docetaxel are diverse and can vary widely among individuals.

    Here’s a comprehensive look at some key considerations:

    1. Blurred Vision: Temporary or permanent blurred vision may occur, affecting daily activities and quality of life.
    2. Permanent Vision Problems: These may require ongoing care and support, emphasizing the need for regular monitoring.
    3. Permanent Hair Loss: This side effect can lead to emotional distress and social challenges, underscoring the importance of support and counseling.
    4. Leukemia: Regular medical check-ups are vital to detect and address this rare but serious side effect.
    5. Legal Actions: Navigating the legal landscape related to Docetaxel, including specific lawsuits, can be complex and may require professional legal guidance.

    The long-term side effects of Docetaxel, along with the associated legal considerations, are vital components of the overall treatment landscape.

    Patients and healthcare providers must work closely together, weighing the benefits of treatment against potential risks, and exploring legal options when appropriate.

    This collaborative and informed approach can help ensure that cancer treatment is tailored to the individual’s unique needs, fostering a more personalized and compassionate care journey.

  • How Does Taxotere Work?

    Taxotere works by targeting fast-growing cancer cells and interfering with their ability to divide and grow.

    To understand how the drug affects cancer cells, let’s talk about how it affects cellular physiology.

    Inside cancer cells, there are structures called microtubules.

    These structures act as pathways to help transport important materials around the cell during the cell division process.

    For cancer cells to multiply and grow, they rely on these microtubules.

    With the microtubules intact and patent, nutrients like blood can travel to the cancer cells, enabling them to grow, divide, multiply, and spread to other parts of the body.

    Taxotere is like a “roadblock” for these microtubules.

    It attaches to them and prevents them from functioning properly. As a result, the cancer cells can’t divide and spread as they normally would.

    This slowdown in cell division can lead to the tumor’s shrinkage or slower growth.

    This improves the body’s chances of combating cancer cells more effectively.

  • What is the Average Taxotere Lawsuit Settlement Amount?

    Taxotere Lawsuits are ongoing, and a settlement has not yet been reached.

    However, lawyers estimate that Taxotere Lawsuit settlement amounts may range between $20,000 to a few hundred thousand dollars depending on an individual’s Taxotere claim and the direction of the litigation.

    Please note that these projections are merely estimates based on prior mass tort lawsuits.

    These estimates are by no means a guarantee of financial compensation in Taxotere Lawsuits.

    Contact an experienced Taxotere Lawyer for insight and advice unique to your situation.

  • Is There A Taxotere Class Action Lawsuit?

    No, there is not a Taxotere class action lawsuit for eye injuries related to Taxotere use.

    There is also not a Taxotere class action lawsuit for permanent hair loss from Taxotere.

    Both the vision damage lawsuits and hair loss lawsuits are consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL).

    MDL is distinct from class action lawsuits.

    In the case of a settlement in a multidistrict litigation, the compensation would be distributed to plaintiffs according to the facts and damages of each individual plaintiff.

    In class action lawsuits, however, compensation is divided evenly among all plaintiffs regardless of how they have individually been effected.

  • What Is The Taxotere Eye Injury MDL?

    Taxotere Lawsuits for vision damage and eye injuries are consolidated into multidistrict litigation.

    The Taxotere Eye Injury MDL (MDL 3023) is separate from the Taxotere hair loss lawsuits (MDL 2740).

    Taxotere Eye Injury MDL plaintiffs allege that Taxotere use caused them to suffer vision loss, vision damage, eye injuries, and other vision-related side effects.

    MDL is a special federal legal procedure designed to speed up the process of mass tort lawsuits and ensure consistent decisions across all cases that contain similar facts and claims.

    Our law firm is accepting new clients for the Taxotere Eye Injury Lawsuit.

    Contact us for a free consultation or use the chatbot on this page for a free and instant case evaluation.

  • What Is The Taxotere Hair Loss MDL?

    Taxotere Lawsuits filed by patients who have suffered permanent hair loss are consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL).

    The Taxotere permanent hair loss MDL (MDL 2740) is separate from the Taxotere vision damage lawsuits and Eye Injury MDL (MDL 3023).

    Hair Loss MDL plaintiffs allege that Taxotere use caused them to suffer permanent hair loss, permanent alopecia, and other side effects.

  • How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Taxotere Lawyer?

    Our Taxotere Lawyers work on a contingency fee basis.

    A contingency fee basis means that our Taxotere Lawyers DO NOT charge for legal representation unless a settlement is won in your favor.

    No win, no fee.

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Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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$2.8 Million
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