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Case Types We Handle
Personal Injuries
Car Accidents
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Case Types We Handle
Personal Injuries
Car Accidents
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Chemical Exposure

Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Amounts [2024 Guide]

Written By:
Tor Hoerman
Tor Hoerman

Attorney Tor Hoerman, admitted to the Illinois State Bar Association since 1995 and The Missouri Bar since 2009, specializes nationally in mass tort litigations. Locally, Tor specializes in auto accidents and a wide variety of personal injury incidents occuring in Illinois and Missouri.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and attorneys at TorHoerman Law and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced injury lawyer, Tor Hoerman, you can do so here.

TorHoerman Law does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Average Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Explained

On this page, we’ll discuss Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Amounts, how personal injury settlements are determined, the process of a personal injury claim, how an experienced personal injury attorney can help, and much more.

Typical Personal Injury Settlement Amounts: An Overview

Have you sustained injuries due to another person’s negligence?

If you have, you may be able to claim compensatory damages by filing a personal injury claim.

By filing your claim, you can recover a personal injury settlement that compensates you for various losses and damage, including lost wages, medical bills, and property damage.

You can even recover non-economic damages that have no set dollar amount.

These damages include pain and suffering damages and — if you lost someone due to the accident — you can file wrongful death damages like loss of consortium or companionship.

A successful personal injury case can result in significant compensation.

One question you may be asking is how much you can receive.

Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Personal injury settlement amounts can vary based on numerous factors.

With a personal injury lawyer in your corner, you can maximize your settlement.

If you’ve sustained severe injuries, you may be eligible for a personal injury lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to instantly find out if you’re eligible for a claim.

Table of Contents

"How Much Compensation Can I Receive?"

Personal injury settlements can vary widely, and the amount you might receive in a settlement depends on several factors.

Personal injury settlements paid range between $20,000 and $50,000.

This is just an average that (in our experience) represents the median settlement amount range.

The specifics of your case can lead to higher or lower amounts.

Various factors influence how much you can receive as compensation.

These factors include considerations like the severity of the injuries sustained and how much you had to pay out of pocket.

Even the number of parties involved — as well as your partial involvement in the accident — can dictate whether your settlement increases or decreases.

There are many things that go into your settlement calculations.

Factors That Can Influence Settlement Amounts

In various personal injury cases, various factors can influence average personal injury settlement amounts.

When we talk about factors, we often mean personal injury damages.

Damages are the losses you’ve experienced following your accident. They may be economic damages like medical expenses and lost wages.

They may also be non-economic damages like pain and suffering that have no set dollar amount.

Different damages and factors that can influence how much personal injury cases pay includes:

  • The severity of injuries sustained
  • The impact on your quality of life
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering damages

The Severity of Injuries Sustained

The severity of your injury is one of the most significant factors in determining your settlement amount.

More serious injuries — such as permanent hearing loss or chronic pain — often result in higher settlements.

If your injury leads to long-term disability, the compensation will likely be greater because the impact on your life is more significant and long-lasting.

Permanent hearing loss can affect your ability to communicate, perform daily tasks, and enjoy social activities.

The more severe your injury, the more it will affect your life, and the higher your settlement is likely to be.

It’s important for you to preserve medical records like lab tests and treatment records.

These documents can paint a more complete picture of how bad your injuries are.

The Impact on Your Quality of Life

How your injury affects your daily life is another important factor.

If you can no longer perform your job or enjoy activities you once did, this will be considered in your settlement.

The more your quality of life is affected, the higher your compensation might be.

If your hearing loss prevents you from working in construction, this loss will be factored into your settlement.

If your injury affects your ability to participate in hobbies or spend time with loved ones, these impacts will also be considered.

The more your quality of life is disrupted, the more likely you are to receive a higher settlement.

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are a critical part of your settlement.

These expenses include the current costs of treatment as well as future medical needs.

Surgeries, rehabilitation, and long-term care all add up.

Higher medical costs equal larger settlement amounts in most personal injury cases.

Because of how significant your medical costs are to your settlement, it’s important to keep detailed records of all medical expenses to ensure they are fully covered.

Include doctor’s visits and hospital stays, medications, physical therapy, and any necessary medical equipment.

Besides your immediate medical expenses, anticipated costs like rehabilitation must be included in your settlement if your injury requires ongoing treatment or future surgeries.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If your injury has caused you to miss work, you may be compensated for lost wages.

This compensation isn’t just for the time you’ve already missed; it also covers your reduced ability to earn in the future if your injury is debilitating.

If your hearing loss affects your ability to work in noisy environments, this reduced earning capacity will be included in your settlement.

Lost wages can be challenging to claim, especially since the at-fault party’s insurance company wants to minimize its liability.

You must document how your injury has affected your ability to work and earn an income, including the wages you’ve lost so far and any future income you’re unable to earn due to your injury.

The more your injury affects your ability to work, the higher your settlement is likely to be.

Pain and Suffering Damages

Pain and suffering refer to the non-economic damages of your injury.

These damages cover the emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life due to your injury.

Pain and suffering are subjective and can be challenging to quantify.

They are critical in calculating your settlement.

The more severe your emotional and physical pain, the higher this part of your compensation can be.

Imagine that your fractured tibia causes you to miss out on activities you used to enjoy.

As a result, you experience depression, anxiety, or social isolation.

These emotional impacts will be considered, and because your injury prevents you from enjoying activities you once loved, this loss of enjoyment will also be factored into your settlement.

Another Key Factor: Comparative Negligence

Illinois and Missouri are comparative negligence states.

If you’re seeking compensation in these states, know that the comparative negligence principle will be used to determine your settlement amount.

Comparative negligence laws are essential to determining liability and compensation amounts.

These laws consider your involvement in your accident and injuries.

If you are found partially responsible for your injury, your settlement amount could be reduced.

If you are 20% at fault, your settlement might be reduced by 20%.

Understanding your state’s comparative negligence laws is important, as they can significantly impact your final settlement amount.

In some states like Missouri, if you are found to be more than 50% at fault, you may not be able to recover any damages at all.

It’s crucial to have a skilled attorney who can help navigate these laws and advocate for your best interests.

An experienced attorney can also build your case to shift all liability to the at-fault party.

Your attorney can help ensure that you have the least fault in the accident and help set you up for a larger settlement.

The Personal Injury Claims Process

The settlement process in a personal injury case is a series of steps designed to reach a fair agreement without going to trial.

The process can differ from one personal injury claim to the next.

The settlement process will include multiple steps.

Steps include:

  1. Filing a claim
  2. Investigation and documentation
  3. Demand letter
  4. Settlement negotiations
  5. Mediation
  6. Settlement agreements
  7. Receiving your settlements

Step 1: Filing a Claim

The settlement process begins with filing a claim.

This involves notifying the responsible party — often through their insurance company — that you are seeking compensation for your injuries.

You will provide details about the incident, the nature of your injuries, and the financial losses you have incurred.

Filing the claim is a crucial first step as it formally starts the process and sets the stage for all subsequent negotiations.

Step 2: Investigation and Documentation

Once the claim is filed, an investigation follows.

Both sides will gather evidence to support their positions, which includes collecting medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and any other relevant documentation.

During the investigation, you must keep thorough records of all your medical treatments, expenses, and other costs related to your injury.

These are essential types of evidence that can go a long way in your claim.

Detailed documentation is essential for substantiating your claim and determining the settlement amount.

The more comprehensive your records are, the stronger your case will be.

Step 3: Demand Letter

After gathering all the necessary information, the next step is to send a demand letter to the responsible party or their insurance company.

This letter outlines the details of the incident, describes your injuries, and explains the financial impact on your life.

It also specifies the amount of compensation you are seeking.

The demand letter serves as a formal request for settlement and provides a basis for negotiations.

When you draft it, be as clear and detailed as possible to convey the seriousness of your claim and justify the requested amount.

Step 4: Settlement Negotiations

Negotiation is a critical part of the settlement process.

Once the demand letter is received, the responsible party or their insurer will review it and respond.

They may accept the terms, make a counteroffer, or deny the claim. This back-and-forth negotiation can take some time because both parties involved aim to reach an agreement that is fair and reasonable.

During this stage, stay patient and be prepared for multiple rounds of offers and counteroffers.

Each round of negotiation brings both sides closer to a mutually acceptable settlement.

Step 5: Mediation

If negotiations stall or reach an impasse, mediation might be the next step.

Mediation involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who helps facilitate discussions between both sides.

The mediator’s role is to assist in finding a mutually acceptable resolution.

Settlement mediation can be an effective way to resolve disputes without going to court and can often expedite the settlement process.

During mediation, both parties will present their case and work with the mediator to explore possible solutions.

Mediation provides an opportunity for both sides to communicate openly and work towards a compromise.

Step 6: Settlement Agreements

Once both sides agree on the settlement terms, a settlement agreement is drafted.

This document outlines the agreed-upon compensation and any other relevant terms.

Both parties will review and sign the agreement, making it legally binding.

During this stage, carefully review the settlement agreement to ensure it accurately reflects the negotiated terms and provides the compensation you deserve.

Signing the settlement agreement signifies that both parties have reached a final resolution and agree to the terms.

Step 7: Receiving Your Settlement

After the settlement agreement is signed, the compensation process begins.

The responsible party or their insurance company will arrange for payment, which can take several weeks.

Once the payment is received, you will need to sign a release form, stating that you accept the settlement and will not pursue further legal action related to the incident.

Receiving the compensation is the final step in the settlement process, providing you with the financial resources to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

How an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Can Maximize Your Settlement Amount

An attorney does more than offer representation and legal guidance.

By leveraging evidence and personal injury expertise, attorneys can also maximize personal injury settlement amounts.

It’s one of the many reasons to hire an experienced personal injury attorney.

Investigate Your Personal Injury Case Thoroughly

By meticulously analyzing this evidence, reports, and witness testimonies, your attorney can build a strong case that clearly demonstrates the extent of your injuries and the impact on your life.

This comprehensive approach ensures that no detail is overlooked, which can significantly enhance your settlement.

Accurately Calculate a Fair Settlement Amount

One of the most critical aspects of maximizing your settlement is accurately valuing your claim.

An experienced attorney knows how to calculate the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs.

Your personal injury attorney will consider both economic and non-economic damages to ensure that all aspects of your injury are accounted for.

By presenting a well-supported valuation, your lawyer can argue for a higher settlement that truly reflects your losses.

Prove the Other Party’s Full Negligence

Under the comparative negligence principle, your settlement depends greatly on the other party’s fault.

Because you can only recover a proportion based on your degree of fault, it’s vital for you to show that the other party is mostly to blame for your accident.

This way, you get to keep as much of the calculated settlement amount as possible.

To prove the other party’s liability, you’ll need a personal injury attorney.

An experienced attorney will gather and present evidence that clearly shows the other party’s responsibility for your injuries.

This evidence might include surveillance footage, expert testimony, and detailed accident reconstruction.

By establishing that the other party is fully at fault, your lawyer can eliminate any arguments for shared responsibility, which can significantly increase the compensation you receive.

Handle Legal Procedures and Deadlines

Personal injury cases involve various legal procedures and strict deadlines.

Missing a deadline or failing to follow proper procedures can jeopardize your claim.

An experienced attorney ensures that all legal requirements are met, from filing the necessary paperwork to adhering to court schedules.

By handling these aspects efficiently, your lawyer helps keep your case on track and avoids any potential pitfalls that could reduce your settlement.

Negotiating Settlement Offers With Insurance Companies on Your Behalf

Experienced personal injury lawyers are skilled negotiators who know how to deal with insurance companies and defense attorneys.

They understand the tactics these parties often use to minimize payouts and can effectively counter them.

By presenting a compelling case and standing firm on the evidence, your lawyer can negotiate a settlement that is in your best interest.

Their expertise can help you avoid accepting a lowball offer and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Get the Right Compensation With the Right Representation — Contact TorHoerman Law Today

Getting compensated fairly for your injuries requires more than following the settlement claims process.

To receive the right amount for your injuries and losses, you’ll need expert legal representation.

At TorHoerman Law, we’ve won over $4 billion in personal injury settlements.

Our expertise has helped countless accident victims receive fair settlement amounts.

Have you sustained injuries? We’re here for you.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you instantly qualify for a personal injury claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What factors influence the amount of a personal injury settlement?

    Several factors influence personal injury lawsuit settlement amounts, including the severity of the injuries sustained, medical expenses, lost wages, and the impact on the victim’s quality of life.

    Pain and suffering, as well as emotional harm, also play significant roles in determining settlement amounts.

    Other factors include the strength of the evidence, the insurance coverage available, and the skill of the personal injury lawyer representing the victim.

  • How are personal injury settlements calculated?

    Personal injury settlements are determined by evaluating both economic and non-economic damages.

    Economic damages include medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

    Non-economic damages cover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

    An experienced personal injury attorney can help calculate a fair settlement amount by thoroughly assessing the total value of these damages.

  • What role does a personal injury attorney play in maximizing settlement amounts?

    A personal injury attorney plays a crucial role in maximizing settlement amounts by thoroughly investigating the case, gathering compelling evidence, and accurately assessing the full extent of damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

    They negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, leveraging their legal expertise to ensure you receive fair compensation.

    An experienced personal injury attorney can also navigate the complexities of the legal system, protect your rights, and present a strong case to secure a higher settlement.

  • How long does it take to receive a personal injury settlement?

    The time it takes to receive a personal injury settlement can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, the severity of the injuries, and the willingness of the parties involved to negotiate.

    Personal injury cases can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to settle.

    Factors such as the length of the investigation, the negotiation process, and whether the case goes to trial all influence the timeline.

    Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can help expedite the process and ensure that your case is handled efficiently.

  • Can you still receive a settlement if you are partially at fault for the accident?

    Yes, you can still receive a settlement if you are partially at fault for the accident, thanks to comparative negligence laws in many states.

    Under these laws, your settlement amount may be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to you.

    For example, if you are found to be 20% at fault for the accident, your settlement will be reduced by 20%.

    It’s crucial to work with a skilled personal injury attorney who can help minimize your degree of fault and maximize your compensation, ensuring you receive a fair settlement despite your partial responsibility.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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