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Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit | Aspartame Cancer Risk Claims

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What is the Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit?

On this page, we’ll discuss an overview of the Aspartame cancer lawsuit, cancers linked to Aspartame consumption, products containing Aspartame, who qualifies to file an Aspartame cancer lawsuit, and much more.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit Overview

The World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), is set to declare aspartame as a possible human carcinogen.

Past scientific studies have found that aspartame and artificial sweeteners may increase cancer risk.

Aspartame is being classified as a possible carcinogen and has potential links to:

  • Obesity related cancers
  • Breast cancer
  • Brain malignancies and cancer
  • Malignant tumors
  • Other potential cancer risk

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk

The full scope of health and cancer effects of aspartame consumption is not yet known, and more published evidence is necessary.

Legal action against manufacturers and distributors of aspartame artificial sweeteners is currently being investigated.

Our law firm is currently investigating the links between aspartame artificial sweetener and cancer, and strategizing the viability of legal action.

Reach out to us for more information.

Table of Contents

World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame is a Chemical Carcinogen

In July 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) is set to declare aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

The WHO is set to release two reports on July 14th to serve as a cancer risk assessment for human consumption of aspartame.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the WHO, conducted the safety review of aspartame.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen

An IARC spokesperson said that:

“…the first fundamental step is to understand carcinogenicity. [IARC] conducts risk assessment, which determines the probability of a specific type of harm (e.g. cancer) to occur under certain conditions and levels of exposure.”

The reclassification of aspartame as a possible carcinogen resulted from a review into the artificial sweetener involving over 1,300 scientific studies.

It’s to be considered that IARC is not a food safety body and doesn’t consider the “acceptable daily intake” metrics published by other regulatory bodies.

The IARC only assesses all the available evidence on a chemical’s links to cancer and submits a cancer risk assessment based on those findings.

Research on Aspartame Intake and Cancer Incidence

Though the body of research linking aspartame to cancer is highly debated, several studies have found that aspartame is possibly carcinogenic to humans.

In 2022, a cohort study examined the dietary records of over 100,000 French adults and compiled data on the total intake of all artificial sweeteners consumed.

After following-up with participants, researchers found that people who consumed higher amounts of aspartame combined were 1.15 times as likely to develop cancer overall, 1.22 times as likely to develop breast cancer, and 1.15 times as likely to develop obesity related cancers.

Other research studies have largely focused on the effects of aspartame intake on laboratory animals.

Published in 2021, “Aspartame and Cancer – New Evidence for Causation” revisited previous Ramazzini Institute data that showed dose-related increases in malignant tumors in multiple organs in rodents.

Ramazzini Institute data showed that aspartame induces cancers in mature and prenatal laboratory animals, even at low exposure levels.

The interpretation provided by the Ramazzini Institute states that these new findings:

“… Confirm that aspartame is a chemical carcinogen in rodents. They confirm the very worrisome finding that prenatal exposure to aspartame increases cancer risk in rodent offspring. They validate the conclusions of the original RI studies.”

What Cancers May Be Linked to Aspartame Consumption?

Though the increased cancer risk related to aspartame consumption must be studied further, research has identified different types of cancer that could be potentially linked to the artificial sweetener.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption

Cancers potentially linked to aspartame include:

  • Obesity related cancers
  • Breast cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Hematopoietic and brain malignancies
  • Bladder cancer
  • Potentially other cancers

Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked to Aspartame

Aspartame side effects not only encompass its potential cancer-causing properties.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption; Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked To Aspartame

Other aspartame side effects and health effects may include:

As mentioned previously, further research is absolutely necessary to fully understand the potential health impacts of human consumption of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners.

Is Prenatal Exposure to Aspartame a Concern?

Studies on rodents exposed to aspartame found that prenatal exposure to the chemical caused cancer in offspring.

Prenatal life may be at an increased risk for health problems related to aspartame exposure, but more research is necessary.

What Products Contain Aspartame Artificial Sweetener?

Aspartame has been used in the food industry for decades.

200 times sweeter than sugar, aspartame is used in small amounts to enhance flavor in many sugar-free beverages and foods.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption; Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked To Aspartame; What Products Contain Aspartame Artificial Sweetener

Products that may contain aspartame include, but are not limited to:

  • Diet sodas (Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc.)
  • Artificial sweeteners (Nutrasweet, Equal, Sugar Twin)
  • Sugar free chewing gums
  • Low calorie sweeteners
  • Reduced-sugar condiments
  • Ice cream
  • Cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Powdered hot chocolate
  • Mouthwash
  • Cough medicine
  • Several other products, beverages and foods

Who Might Qualify for the Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit?

As the research and reports on aspartame’s link to cancer becomes more widely known, attorneys are investigating potential legal action against manufacturers and distributors of aspartame artificial sweetener products.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption; Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked To Aspartame; What Products Contain Aspartame Artificial Sweetener; Gathering Evidence For A Potential Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Assessing Damages In A Potential Aspartame Lawsuit; Who Might Qualify For The Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit

If the litigation is deemed viable, an attorney would help you complete crucial steps related to filing a claim, such as gathering evidence and assessing damages.

Gathering Evidence for a Potential Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit

Evidence is extremely important in personal injury and mass tort lawsuit claims.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption; Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked To Aspartame; What Products Contain Aspartame Artificial Sweetener; Gathering Evidence For A Potential Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit

Evidence in a potential aspartame cancer claim may include:

  • Medical records
  • Doctor’s notes
  • Receipts of purchase for aspartame containing products
  • Witness testimony
  • Medical and scientific expert testimony
  • Any other proof linking your aspartame consumption to related cancers

An attorney will help you gather evidence and identify what is important to include in your claim.

Assessing Damages in a Potential Aspartame Lawsuit

In the event of an aspartame litigation, damages would refer to the total amount of losses related to consuming aspartame and subsequently being diagnosed and treated for cancer.

Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Aspartame Cancer Lawyers; Aspartame Lawsuit; Aspartame and Cancer; Aspartame Linked to Cancer; World Health Organization Aspartame Cancer Risk; World Health Organization (WHO) Declares That Aspartame Is A Chemical Carcinogen; What Cancers May Be Linked To Aspartame Consumption; Other Adverse Health Effects Potentially Linked To Aspartame; What Products Contain Aspartame Artificial Sweetener; Gathering Evidence For A Potential Aspartame Cancer Lawsuit; Assessing Damages In A Potential Aspartame Lawsuit

Damages in an aspartame lawsuit could include:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost wages or earning ability
  • Lost quality of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent disability
  • Wrongful death
  • Other compensatory and punitive damages

Every case is different and the circumstances of each individual client influence the amount and extent of damages able to be claimed.

TorHoerman Law: Investigating Legal Claims for Aspartame and Cancer Risk

TorHoerman Law has achieved more than $4 billion in verdicts and negotiated settlements for a variety of personal injury cases.

Our past results afford us recognition as some of the best attorneys in the country.

THL lawyers have put in the work to get justice for people around the country injured by dangerous products, chemical exposure, defective medical devices, and other forms of negligence.

We are focused solely on competent legal representation, relationship building, and full financial recovery for your serious injuries.

Our law firm offers free, no-obligation case consultations for all potential clients.

Contact TorHoerman Law today to learn more about your legal options.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Aspartame?

    Aspartame is a popular artificial sweetener used as a food additive in thousands of consumer products.

    Aspartame is made of two amino acids: aspartic acid and phenylalanine.

    Aspartame is said to be 200 times sweeter than sugar.

  • Is Aspartame Dangerous?

    Recent scientific studies and the World Health Organization (WHO) in particular have raised alarms about potential health concerns associated with aspartame consumption.

    Adverse health effects, such as cancer, may be linked to long-term consumption of aspartame containing beverages and foods.

  • What is Aspartame In?

    Aspartame is found in a number of consumer products as a drink and food additive.

    Artificial sweetener/Aspartame is found in:

    • Diet soda
    • Diet drinks and other artificially sweetened beverages
    • Chewing gum (particularly sugar free chewing gums)
    • Gelatin
    • Powdered drink mixes
    • Candy
    • Pudding
    • Low calorie artificial sweeteners
    • Countless other food products and beverages

  • When was Aspartame Invented?

    Aspartame was invented in 1965 through research on compounds for anti-ulcer drugs.

    It wasn’t until the 1980s that corporations began implementing aspartame as food additives and artificial sweeteners.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aspartame for use in beverages in 1983 and for use in other beverages, baked goods, and confections in 1993.

  • What is the Acceptable Daily Intake of Aspartame?

    According to the European Food Safety Authority, the current acceptable daily intake (ADI) for aspartame is 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

    This metric was established in 2013, and in light of new published evidence, experts suggest that the ADI of 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight may be too high.

    For reference, a 12-ounce can of diet soda contains around 200 milligrams of aspartame.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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